
Ni-no-Maru at Hiroshima Castle

21 Moto-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima

ユーカリ Eucalyptus


There is a photo of this tree standing amidst the blackened and burned out trees along the moat at Hiroshima Castle. Eucalyptus’ are hardy trees by nature, and are less susceptible to long-term fire damages: even if all the leaves are burned away, new ones will quickly grow in their place. Despite surviving the bombing, the trunk of this tree was split many times by typhoons. Each time, new branches would grow out slightly twisted, giving the tree its bent and curved appearance. Usually, it is in the nature of eucalyptus trees to grow straight and tall; it is thought that this nature was somehow damaged or destroyed in the bombing. Keiji Nakazawa, the well-known author of the manga Barefoot Gen also penned Under the Eucalyptus Tree based off of this tree.

マルバヤナギ Giant Pussy Willow


Of all the hibaku trees left today, the Japanese pussy willow, which stands at the edge of the moat at Hiroshima Castle, is the only one of its kind. In contrast to the long swaying leaves of the willow tree, this willow has rounded leaves and a full, round shape. The large hollow on the side facing the hypocenter is from the time of the bombing. The inside of the trunk is hollow and, with a large branch growing out in either direction, it ran the risk of splitting without human intervention. Therefore, it was decided to tie ropes around the tree several times to prevent the tree from splitting in two. While there was a time that the tree was unhealthy, it is now stable and healthy, continuing to grow and flourish today.